The Full-Body Workout to Get Fit Quick

Joseph Hudson
The Full-Body Workout to Get Fit Quick

The Full-Body Workout to Get Fit Quick

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Edgar Artiga

Quick and Effective

If you're looking for a quick workout that will get your heart rate soaring and your muscles screaming, you've come to the right place. Rezist is a new group fitness program developed by Hers technical adviser Gino Caccavale that's tearing up health clubs across the country (you may also see ads for the at-home version on TV). But just because it's in the studio doesn't mean it's easy. “This is a super-challenging workout for all fitness levels because you're working several muscle groups simultaneously,” says Caccavale. The classes feature 20 unique multi-joint resistance movements performed for one minute each, with 20 seconds' rest between each move, for a total of 30 minutes. Try our sample routine from Caccavale. It will take 20 minutes to complete two rounds. You'll build lean muscle, scorch calories, and still have plenty of time to get on with your day. Our Model: IFBB Bikini Pro Gigi AmuraoHometown: New YorkFavorite Quote: “It's better to be prepared for an opportunity and not have one, than have an opportunity and not be prepared.” 

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Edgar Artiga


WORKS: Biceps, Triceps, Legs Stand with feet six inches apart holding dumbbells in front of thighs, palms up. Lunge back with right leg, bending both knees 90 degrees; at the same time, curl weights toward shoulders.In one fluid motion, step right foot forward, tuck elbows to ribs, and hinge from torso, as if looking over a cliff. Then extend arms behind you in a triceps kickback.Straighten torso while stepping back with left leg into a rear lunge, repeating biceps curl.Continue sequence for one minute, alternating sides. SEE ALSO: 16 HIIT Workouts to Try

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Edgar Artiga


WORKS: Shoulders, Glutes, Thighs, Calves Stand with feet wider than shoulder width, holding dumbbells in front of thighs with palms facing body. Hinge forward slightly from hips. Squat down, lowering dumbbells as you push glutes behind you.Stand up, rising onto the balls of your feet while pulling dumbbells toward chest; keep elbows out to sides and weights parallel to floor.Lower back to start and repeat for one minute. 

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Edgar Artiga


WORKS: Shoulders, Abdominals, Glutes, Legs Stand with feet wider than shoulders, holding a single dumbbell perpendicular to the floor at chin height with arms extended.Twist torso to left while pivoting off right foot, lowering right knee to the floor in a lunge. Keep left knee in line with left ankle.Immediately twist to right side without stopping in center; keep arms parallel to floor. Repeat fluid motion for one minute. SEE ALSO: The 10 Minute Metabolism Boosting Workout

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Edgar Artiga


WORKS: Shoulders, Back, Chest, Triceps, Core Begin in a pushup position with legs wider than hip width. Hold a heavy weight in right hand and a light weight in left hand.Perform a pushup, then row right arm, bringing elbow close to side and weight outside right hip.Lower weight to floor and immediately raise left arm above shoulder,keeping elbows straight, rotating torso to left. Look up at the weight and hold for one count. Lower back to floor and repeat. Perform for one minute, then switch sides on round 2.

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Edgar Artiga


WORKS: Shoulders, Chest, Triceps, Back, Core, Legs Stand with feet hip-width apart and dumbbells in front of thighs, palms facing each other.Place dumbbells on the floor in line with shoulders and thrust legs back into pushup position.Perform a pushup, keeping elbows close to sides, then immediately jump back in, bringing feet outside of dumbbells.Stand up, keeping knees slightly bent, and raise weights to shoulder height, palms facing each other. Extend arms to the sides, keeping palms inward while squeezing your scapula (shoulder blades).Return weights to center, arms extended, then lower back toward legs and repeat. Continue sequence for one minute SEE ALSO: How To Do A Burpee

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Edgar Artiga


WORKS: Shoulders, Legs Stand with feet hip width and dumbbells at shoulders, palms facing each other. Squat down until elbows touch knees.Explosively jump up while pressing dumbbells overhead.Immediately land in squat, bringing elbows to touch knees. Repeat for one minute. SEE ALSO: TheFull Body Metabolism Boosting Workout

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Edgar Artiga


WORKS: Chest, Lower And Upper Abdominals Lie faceup on floor holding dumbbells out to sides with elbows bent 90 degrees, upper arms on floor. Keep knees soft and legs engaged with heels on floor but calves and hamstrings slightly elevated.Extend arms in a chest press while lifting torso off floor; at the same time, raise right leg, reaching dumbbells toward right foot, forming a V with your leg and torso.Slowly lower back to floor and bend elbows back to starting position. Repeat, this time lifting left leg. Continue for one minute, alternating sides. SEE ALSO: Kettlebell Chest Press

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Edgar Artiga


WORKS: Shoulders, Abs Lie faceup on floor with arms and legs extended, holding dumbbells overhead, palms facing up. Lift legs and arms a few inches off floor.Circle arms to sides while rotating your palms down; at the same time, lift legs and crunch up, lifting torso off the floor. Touch dumbbells behind hamstrings. Rotate palms and arms back overhead and lower legs about six inches from floor. Continue for one minute; try not to let your feet or head touch the floor during the entire exercise. 

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Quick and Effective

If you're looking for a quick workout that will get your heart rate soaring and your muscles screaming, you've come to the right place. Rezist is a new group fitness program developed by Hers technical adviser Gino Caccavale that's tearing up health clubs across the country (you may also see ads for the at-home version on TV). But just because it's in the studio doesn't mean it's easy. “This is a super-challenging workout for all fitness levels because you're working several muscle groups simultaneously,” says Caccavale. The classes feature 20 unique multi-joint resistance movements performed for one minute each, with 20 seconds' rest between each move, for a total of 30 minutes. Try our sample routine from Caccavale. It will take 20 minutes to complete two rounds. You'll build lean muscle, scorch calories, and still have plenty of time to get on with your day. 

Our Model: IFBB Bikini Pro Gigi Amurao

Hometown: New York

Favorite Quote: “It's better to be prepared for an opportunity and not have one, than have an opportunity and not be prepared.” 


WORKS: Biceps, Triceps, Legs 

  • Stand with feet six inches apart holding dumbbells in front of thighs, palms up. Lunge back with right leg, bending both knees 90 degrees; at the same time, curl weights toward shoulders.
  • In one fluid motion, step right foot forward, tuck elbows to ribs, and hinge from torso, as if looking over a cliff. Then extend arms behind you in a triceps kickback.
  • Straighten torso while stepping back with left leg into a rear lunge, repeating biceps curl.
  • Continue sequence for one minute, alternating sides. 

SEE ALSO: 16 HIIT Workouts to Try


WORKS: Shoulders, Glutes, Thighs, Calves 

  • Stand with feet wider than shoulder width, holding dumbbells in front of thighs with palms facing body. Hinge forward slightly from hips. Squat down, lowering dumbbells as you push glutes behind you.
  • Stand up, rising onto the balls of your feet while pulling dumbbells toward chest; keep elbows out to sides and weights parallel to floor.
  • Lower back to start and repeat for one minute. 


WORKS: Shoulders, Abdominals, Glutes, Legs 

  • Stand with feet wider than shoulders, holding a single dumbbell perpendicular to the floor at chin height with arms extended.
  • Twist torso to left while pivoting off right foot, lowering right knee to the floor in a lunge. Keep left knee in line with left ankle.
  • Immediately twist to right side without stopping in center; keep arms parallel to floor. Repeat fluid motion for one minute. 

SEE ALSO: The 10 Minute Metabolism Boosting Workout


WORKS: Shoulders, Back, Chest, Triceps, Core 

  • Begin in a pushup position with legs wider than hip width. Hold a heavy weight in right hand and a light weight in left hand.
  • Perform a pushup, then row right arm, bringing elbow close to side and weight outside right hip.
  • Lower weight to floor and immediately raise left arm above shoulder,keeping elbows straight, rotating torso to left. Look up at the weight and hold for one count. 
  • Lower back to floor and repeat. Perform for one minute, then switch sides on round 2.


WORKS: Shoulders, Chest, Triceps, Back, Core, Legs 

  • Stand with feet hip-width apart and dumbbells in front of thighs, palms facing each other.Place dumbbells on the floor in line with shoulders and thrust legs back into pushup position.
  • Perform a pushup, keeping elbows close to sides, then immediately jump back in, bringing feet outside of dumbbells.
  • Stand up, keeping knees slightly bent, and raise weights to shoulder height, palms facing each other. Extend arms to the sides, keeping palms inward while squeezing your scapula (shoulder blades).
  • Return weights to center, arms extended, then lower back toward legs and repeat. Continue sequence for one minute 

SEE ALSO: How To Do A Burpee


WORKS: Shoulders, Legs 

  • Stand with feet hip width and dumbbells at shoulders, palms facing each other. Squat down until elbows touch knees.
  • Explosively jump up while pressing dumbbells overhead.
  • Immediately land in squat, bringing elbows to touch knees. Repeat for one minute. 

SEE ALSO: TheFull Body Metabolism Boosting Workout


WORKS: Chest, Lower And Upper Abdominals 

  • Lie faceup on floor holding dumbbells out to sides with elbows bent 90 degrees, upper arms on floor. Keep knees soft and legs engaged with heels on floor but calves and hamstrings slightly elevated.
  • Extend arms in a chest press while lifting torso off floor; at the same time, raise right leg, reaching dumbbells toward right foot, forming a V with your leg and torso.
  • Slowly lower back to floor and bend elbows back to starting position. Repeat, this time lifting left leg. Continue for one minute, alternating sides. 

SEE ALSO: Kettlebell Chest Press


WORKS: Shoulders, Abs 

  • Lie faceup on floor with arms and legs extended, holding dumbbells overhead, palms facing up. Lift legs and arms a few inches off floor.
  • Circle arms to sides while rotating your palms down; at the same time, lift legs and crunch up, lifting torso off the floor. Touch dumbbells behind hamstrings. 
  • Rotate palms and arms back overhead and lower legs about six inches from floor. Continue for one minute; try not to let your feet or head touch the floor during the entire exercise. 

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