WATCH Natasha's Amazing 185 Pound Weight Loss

Oliver Chandler
WATCH Natasha's Amazing 185 Pound Weight Loss
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Natasha came from a household that was built upon a foundation of bonding over food. As many of us know, food is a thread that runs through all of our families and holds us together. With Natasha, however, her and her family had reached a point of excess. At her heaviest, Natasha was upwards of 380 pounds. Rather than live a life ashamed of her weight, she embraced her curves and found a group of friends who accepted her for the person that she was. Then came a diabetes diagnosis - it was time to change. She made a complete life change and dropped 50 pounds. Those 50 pounds led to increased, healthy weight loss. 

Natasha is proof that the power of the mind can accomplish incredible things. Natasha was fortunate to be joined on her fitness journey by her boyfriend Randy. Get inspired and watch her inspirational story below! 

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