While the Arnold Sports Festival was taking place in Columbus, Ohio, over the weekend, another meet was being held across the ocean in Manchester, England. The Tattooed and Strong Push Pull powerlifting competition was going down at the 9th annual Tattooed Tea Party event which is an event that hosts tattoo artists from around the world. Tattoos, bench presses, and deadlifts? Count us in.
Over the course of Saturday and Sunday, handfuls of lifters came out and put on strong performances, but one performance in particular that caught our eye was from Beth Lovatt.
Lovatt, who is still a junior and weighed in at 74.5kg on the day, put on a very promising performance consisting of a 102.5kg bench press and a 240kg/530 lb deadlift. On top of that, her deadlift won her the “Queen of the Deadlift” accolade for the second year in row.
Check out her strong conventional deadlift below.
What's most insane about this lift is how much Lovatt has progressed over the last year alone (more on that below). Her heaviest deadlift to date in competition is 501 lbs, which she completed back in December 2019.
Lovatt is coached by elite powerlifter and strength coach Tom Martin who is known for his insane feats of strength, and he shared thoughts on his Instagram page regarding Lovatt's latest meet and progress.
In his Instagram post he writes, “For a little added context as to how insane her progress has been recently, it would be a good time to reflect on how far she's come. We started about 6 months ago with a 205kg deadlift, and 6 months prior to that in the same competition last year she pulled 200kg. Absolutely nothing has changed since then apart from nutrition and training, it's fair to say this is quite far ahead of what any of us expected! Well done @beefmodeengage”
In a year's time, Lovatt has progressed her deadlift nearly 100 lbs, and she's still a junior. To say the future is looking bright for her would be an understatement!
Feature image from @tommartinpl Instagram page.
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