Bonica Lough, aka @bubblypowerlifter on Instagram, is finishing 2017 with some outstanding performances. In mid-October, Lough squatted 273kg (601 lbs) at USAPL Raw Nationals, which was an unofficial world record. Then on top of that, she benched 151.5kg (333 lbs), which was an American and unofficial world record, and went on to win her weight class.
Lough just finished up competing at what's now her seventh IPF Open World Championships, which are being held in Pilsen, Czech Republic. She ended up winning the 84kg+ weight class, but not before breaking her previous world record in the squat.
Lough ended up finishing her squat attempts with a ridiculously strong world record 312.5kg (687.5 lb) squat, check it out below.
Lough ended up finishing her meet hitting the 312.5kg squat, a 210kg bench press, and a 227.5kg deadlift. These all earned her a strong 750kg total, along with a 588.83 Wilks score. The previous world record sat at 310kg, and was also held by Lough, which she set back in July.
[Check out some of the weird comments Lough has gotten before from guys because of powerlifting.]
In Lough's Instagram post sharing her prior meet thoughts she writes, “Tomorrow is the day! I will be lifting in my 7th Open Worlds (Equip). Unreal of how far I have come the past few years. Seems like the years have actually happened in a couple weeks.
To be honest I don't think of myself as a top lifter (or the E word that people like to use). I am still fighting to be a top lifter. I am in the shadows of many lifters. A tiny fish in a huge pond. Trying to prove myself to the world of powerlifting. I can't see what I am able to do tomorrow!”
Lough has definitely come a long way in her powerlifting career, and we might go as far to use the 'E' word to describe her, aka elite. She's a multiple world record holder, and is fresh coming off of two major competition wins to conclude her great 2017.
Feature image screenshot from @theipf Instagram page.
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