8 Great Muscle-Shaping Movements

Lesley Flynn
8 Great Muscle-Shaping Movements

There are some trainers/gurus/science-geeks that say you cannot do a thing about the shape of your muscles, as this is 100% genetically determined.  Others believe that by “targeting” certain areas of a muscle, you can in fact, change its shape.

Regardless of which is true, it is definitely accurate that we can utilize specific exercises, angles, and grips to bring out the full potential of each muscle.

In other words, when someone is lacking upper chest development, this may not simply be because genetics are “dictating” that the lower pecs dominate the upper, but rather that the upper pectorals are not receiving the proper stimulation in order for it to grow to its maximum potential.

Yes, it is true that you cannot completely isolate one area of a muscle from another no matter what exercise you utilize. However, you can affect certain groups of motor units more than others in a single muscle by using specific grips and/or planes of motion (as EMG studies have proven) This can then lead to accelerated growth in a particular “head” or section of a complex muscle.  

So before you take the easy way out and blame faulty genetics for your disproportionate physique, make sure you are doing everything possible training-wise to address the problem. In other words, the genetics might be there, but many are simply failing to actualize the full potential of each individual muscle group.

With that in mind, here are my eight, rarely utilized, “muscle-shaping” movements:

8 Great Muscle-Shaping Movements

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Per Bernal

Smith Machine Bench Press to Neck

Use moderate weight, keep elbows out wide and work through a full range of motion. However, do not bring the bar down so low that you stress your shoulders.Target: Upper Pecs

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Courtesy Image

Reverse Grip Bench Press

This can be done with free weights or on a Smith machine. Bring the bar to the low pecs and press up and slightly back. EMG studies show this exercise to activate the upper pecs even better than incline presses.Target: Upper Pecs

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Edgar Artiga / M+F Magazine

Free Standing Sissy Squat

This exercise is NOT for sissies because taken to failure and performed (think deep stretch) through a full range of motion it will burn like few other quad movements - and the pump is outrageous. Target: Mid Thigh

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Westend61 / Getty

Seated Concentration Hammer Curl

Because of the fixed position of the upper arm and the hammer grip this exercise gives the brachialis a “double-hit.” Increasing the size of this muscle, which lies underneath the biceps, will help to augment the coveted “peak” of the arm.Target: Brachialis

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Michael Neveux

Behind Back Shrug/Upright Row Hybrid

I prefer to do these on a Smith machine, but a free BB can also be utilized. The key to this movement is to not only shrug the shoulders, but to also attempt an upright row. While the bar will not actually travel more than a few inches, the added effect will be dramatic when it comes to hitting the mid-traps.Target: Mid Traps

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Christopher Bailey

Incline Side DB Lateral

Performing side laterals while lying back on an incline bench set to about 60 degrees will give the exercise an entirely different feel than the basic standing/seated versions. It will also provide a much greater stretch on the muscle, while also forcing extremely strict form.Target: Biceps

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Edgar Artiga

Arms Rotated Incline DB Curl

Many people do incline curls, but few rotate the arms into an exaggerated supinated position, which not only crushes the inner biceps, but also puts an extreme, growth-inducing stretch on the entire muscle in the bottom position. Target: Biceps Short (Inner) Head

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Courtesy Image

Stiff Arm Pulldown

I like to do these with a short straight bar and a slight forward lean in the torso. I recommend keeping the arms completely straight and using a “false grip,” which is where the thumb is on the same side of the bar as the other fingers. Make sure to begin with the arms high enough so the lats are stretched and at the bottom, squeeze and contract the muscle hard.Target: Upper Lats

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Smith Machine Bench Press to Neck

Use moderate weight, keep elbows out wide and work through a full range of motion. However, do not bring the bar down so low that you stress your shoulders.

Target: Upper Pecs

Reverse Grip Bench Press

This can be done with free weights or on a Smith machine. Bring the bar to the low pecs and press up and slightly back. EMG studies show this exercise to activate the upper pecs even better than incline presses.

Target: Upper Pecs

Free Standing Sissy Squat

This exercise is NOT for sissies because taken to failure and performed (think deep stretch) through a full range of motion it will burn like few other quad movements - and the pump is outrageous. 

Target: Mid Thigh

Seated Concentration Hammer Curl

Because of the fixed position of the upper arm and the hammer grip this exercise gives the brachialis a “double-hit.” Increasing the size of this muscle, which lies underneath the biceps, will help to augment the coveted “peak” of the arm.

Target: Brachialis

Behind Back Shrug/Upright Row Hybrid

I prefer to do these on a Smith machine, but a free BB can also be utilized. The key to this movement is to not only shrug the shoulders, but to also attempt an upright row. While the bar will not actually travel more than a few inches, the added effect will be dramatic when it comes to hitting the mid-traps.

Target: Mid Traps

Incline Side DB Lateral

Performing side laterals while lying back on an incline bench set to about 60 degrees will give the exercise an entirely different feel than the basic standing/seated versions. It will also provide a much greater stretch on the muscle, while also forcing extremely strict form.

Target: Biceps

Arms Rotated Incline DB Curl

Many people do incline curls, but few rotate the arms into an exaggerated supinated position, which not only crushes the inner biceps, but also puts an extreme, growth-inducing stretch on the entire muscle in the bottom position. 

Target: Biceps Short (Inner) Head

Stiff Arm Pulldown

I like to do these with a short straight bar and a slight forward lean in the torso. I recommend keeping the arms completely straight and using a “false grip,” which is where the thumb is on the same side of the bar as the other fingers. Make sure to begin with the arms high enough so the lats are stretched and at the bottom, squeeze and contract the muscle hard.

Target: Upper Lats

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