4 Simple Ways to Live a Longer, Healthier Life

Yurchik Ogurchik
4 Simple Ways to Live a Longer, Healthier Life

You probably got into bodybuilding, running, or some other form of exercise in an effort to live healthier, and therefore live longer. After all, countless studies have shown that people who make themselves sweat regularly have more birthdays than those who don't.

In your journey for improved health, though, there's a good chance you've engaged in something that accomplishes the opposite. Many long-held beliefs about how to better your body have been debunked over the years, and some beloved traditions have been proven harmful.

There are also outright health frauds on the internet spreading fake news about nutrition and wellness. So, what should you believe?

Dave Asprey, a New York Times-bestselling author and health guru, believes he's found the best way to not only live longer, but age backwards and, as he puts it, “maybe even live forever.” According to Asprey, there are things we do-or fail to do-during our lifetime that damage our cells, specifically the mitochondria, resulting in changes to our body that manifest themselves into one of four main “killers”: heart disease, diabetes, Alzheimer's, and cancer.

In his latest book, Super Human, Asprey lays out strategies for making changes on the sub-cellular level to enhance the quality of your life, and even extend it. Every one of his claims are backed up by studies, referenced in the back of his book.

At close to 300 pages, it'd be almost impossible to share all of the book's tips here. But here are just a few examples of how you can use your lifestyle, and Asprey's suggestions, to bulletproof your life.


10 Simple Lifestyle Changes to Get Healthier

Follow these tips to get back on the fitness wagon.

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Alexander Prokopenko / Shutterstock

Decrease your protein intake

You've heard us say over and over that you need to make sure you're getting enough protein, but Asprey believes you might be taking in too much. Most bodybuilding veterans will tell you to eat anywhere from .8 to 1.5 grams per pound of bodyweight. But according to Asprey, this amount could have some (eventually) deadly side effects. 

“If 20 percent of your calories comes from protein, your all-cause mortality risk goes up 400 percent,” Asprey says, referencing a 2015 study from Cell Metabolism. So how much should you eat then?

Asprey suggests .5 grams per pound for “lean people,” and .6 for athletes, those above 65, and pregnant women. For obese individuals, he recommends taking total weight and subtracting the extra fat you're carrying and use that number for your suggested protein intake.

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Syda Productions

Get the right protein

The quality of your protein is just as important, if not more important than how much of it you eat. Here are some general rules: If the protein is “charred or deep-fried,” there's no good amount to eat, Asprey says. Similarly, protein from animals treated with antibiotics is a hard pass.

Instead, opt for grass-fed animals, wild fish, and organic plants (such as hemp). Additionally, you should perhaps swap your beloved whey protein for collagen. “We were really the first ones to talk about how good collagen protein is for you,” Asprey says.

Collagen helps maintain your gut's lining, making it easier to absorb nutrients, and it's beneficial for your connective tissue.

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And-One / Shutterstock

Consider fasting

We've talked ad nauseum about how intermittent fasting could aid weight loss, but there are even more benefits to restricting your caloric intake for extended periods of time, Asprey says.

He pointed to an MIT study that showed fasting for a day or longer could double the regenerative abilities of stem cells, and another that showed short-term fasting increases stem cell activity. It's a simple way to improve your cell health without getting injections.

Additionally, a 2019 study found that 58 hours of fasting improves antioxidant levels and metabolic functions. Some forms of IF have even been connected to preventing chronic diseases and decreasing your cholesterol levels.

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Sleep better

Sleep is vital for recovery and making gains, and a lack of it can quite literally kill you. However, it's not necessary to get the often-quoted eight hours of sleep every night. At least one study found those with the longest lives slept six-and-a-half hours on average.

But if you're going to sleep less, you also have to sleep better. How do you accomplish this? For one, Asprey recommends increasing the number of delta waves you're exposed to during sleep, as those waves help us recover quicker. You can do this through a smartphone app that emits sonic sound waves to promote better sleep.

Additionally, if you're reading this on your laptop or smartphone close to your bedtime, close the window and come back in the morning. Prolonged exposure to blue light, the light emitted from most devices, disrupts your circadian rhythm and makes it harder to sleep at night, according to Asprey.

Try not to watch TV or look at your phone during dinner either, as that has been connected to slower metabolisms. Asprey recommends turning off all those devices two hours before bedtime, and consider wearing blue light-blocking glasses during the daytime.

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