Weightlifter Nathan Damron Hits a Monstrous 320kg Squat PR

Abner Newton
Weightlifter Nathan Damron Hits a Monstrous 320kg Squat PR

It hasn't been incredibly long since the last time we covered one of Mash Elite Performance athlete Nathan Damron's monstrous lifts. Damron, aka #freedomfridge as per Instagram, recently hit a squat PR that not only reminded us just how strong his legs are, but how technically proficient he can be under heavy weight.

In Damron's last squat video, he hits a 320kg (705 lb) squat, which tops his previous lifetime record by 5 lbs. The last time we covered one of Damron's max squat attempts was this run with 317.5kg (700 lbs) back in March of 2017. Five pounds might not seem like much to many, so for context, hitting this weight at Damron's bodyweight is crazy impressive, and not many 94kg weightlifting athletes are squatting above the 700-lb club.

Check out the huge lift below.

If you scroll through the comments on the post, then you'll more than likely see a big named athlete make a statement that others have most likely thought about over the last couple years watching Damron progress. Multi-world record holding athlete Stefi Cohen writes, “Do a powerlifting meet.” 

[Watch Nathan Damron go head-to-head with Clarence Kennedy on the squat!]

This single comment was followed by multiple athletes agreeing, and we're not going to deny it, we'd be lying if we didn't admit to pondering the same thought. After all, this squat tops the current 93kg IPF Junior World Record by 10kg and is only 10kg shy of the Open world record. We know Damron can squat and he recently deadlifted 260kg (573 lbs) for a double, so he'd be competitive with those two lifts alone.

Outside of this big squat, the last time we wrote on Damron was just under a month ago when he hit this 220kg (485 lb) clean PR. Check out that lift and full article, here. 

Two huge lifts within a month of each other, we're pumped to see what else has in store for Damron.

Feature image from @nathandamron94 Instagram page. 

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