4 Superfit Super Moms Who Inspire Us

Michael Shaw

4 Superfit Super Moms Who Inspire Us

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Nicole Ankney

Mother of 2; Vacaville, CA Sporty SiblingsMy daughter plays volleyball and softball and loves to go biking, and my son plays baseball, football, and basketball. Military Mom If there's a will, there's a way. Through earning a college degree while working a full-time job in the military and being a single mother, I learned anything is possible. My favorite Sunday afternoon includes rollerblading while my kids ride their bikes. Workout RoutineI work out four days a week and do yoga daily, which allows me to focus on stretching, and it puts me in a positive state of mind. My training consists of HIIT cardio, TRX training, or plyometric workouts like jump squats, jump lunges, burpees, etc. My workouts do not last longer than 45 minutes, including warmup and cooldown. With this balance, I look and feel 100 times better now than I did two years ago! SEE ALSO: Meet Muscle & Fitness Hers' Fit Moms of Instagram!

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Nichelle Laus

Mother of 4; Mississauga, Ontario, Canada Karate KidsMy kids are no strangers to the gym. My three oldest boys are really into karate, while the youngest follows along. I come from a boxing/kickboxing background, so I love watching my boys doing karate. I appreciate the structure and discipline involved in martial arts. Beautiful Game I love to play soccer with my kids. There's nothing better than running in an open field in the fresh air and listening to their laughter. Workout RoutineI tend to focus on one muscle group per workout and incorporate plyometric exercises for added intensity. FAVORITE POWER-PLYO WORKOUT60 seconds each exercise, no rest in between moves. Rest 60 seconds between circuits. Repeat circuit 3-4 times.MOUNTAIN CLIMBERLATERAL SIDE STEPPLYO SQUATBURPEET-JUMP 

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Courtesy of Tiffany Gaston

Tiffany Lee Gaston

Mother of 3; Phoenix, AZ Leading by Example My children are all very active-they do gymnastics, softball, soccer, and football. They see my husband and I make healthy eating and exercise a prominent part of our lives, and watching this trickle over into their own preferences is extremely rewarding. During times of inactivity or breaks from sports, they've asked me to put them through a rigorous HIIT body-weight workout. They love it! Never Take No for an AnswerIf there's one thing to fuel my fire, it's a good challenge. There are no longer any solidly defined lines of what a woman can and cannot be. Because I believe a happy mom is a good mom, I have no guilt when working fitness into my already hectic schedule. Workout Routine I typically do a four- or five-day split workout each week. I do fasted cardio three to five times per week and alternate between HIIT and steady state. I do no longer than 20 to 30 minutes per session. Monday is usually anterior leg day, and I mix up sets and reps frequently to maximize my efficiency. Plus, I often use one or two of these training methods: high-rep (sets of 20-30), dropsets (15, 12, 10, 10, 8), German Volume Training (10 sets of 10). Also, I may do lunge jumps or sumo squat jumps between sets. (See Tiffany Lee Gaston's Fast-Track Fat Loss Workout here.)SAMPLE WORKOUTLEG EXTENSIONNARROW SQUAT (TO HIT QUAD SWEEP)SINGLE-LEG ROMANIAN SPLIT SQUATCURTSY LUNGEWALKING LUNGE SEE ALSO: Try This Kickboxing Workout

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Jennifer Boscovich

Mother of 2; Reno, NV Tour de Family TimeBoth of my children started swimming lessons when they were each 6 months old. Currently they swim, ski, and play soccer and T-ball. But their favorite thing to do is ride bikes-it's a great way for us to spend quality time together. The Power of PositivityIt's all about balance and keeping a positive attitude. I truly believe that being active and eating well makes me a more happy and patient person. And that, of course, makes me a better mother, nurse, and business owner. Workout RoutineI mix up my workouts, focusing on functional training as well as isolation moves. SAMPLE MOVES FOR WEEKFIRE HYDRANT SERIES, JUMP SQUAT, SWING GAITIN-OUTS WITH RESISTANCE BAND AND SIDE SHUFFLEBOX PUSH, LUNGE AND PRESS, BOX STEP, AND BICEPS CURLLATERAL RAISE, JUMP SPLIT SQUAT, ELEVATED HIP THRUSTER 

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Nicole Ankney

Mother of 2; Vacaville, CA 

Sporty Siblings

My daughter plays volleyball and softball and loves to go biking, and my son plays baseball, football, and basketball. 

Military Mom

If there's a will, there's a way. Through earning a college degree while working a full-time job in the military and being a single mother, I learned anything is possible. My favorite Sunday afternoon includes rollerblading while my kids ride their bikes. 

Workout Routine

I work out four days a week and do yoga daily, which allows me to focus on stretching, and it puts me in a positive state of mind. My training consists of HIIT cardio, TRX training, or plyometric workouts like jump squats, jump lunges, burpees, etc. My workouts do not last longer than 45 minutes, including warmup and cooldown. With this balance, I look and feel 100 times better now than I did two years ago! 

SEE ALSO: Meet Muscle & Fitness Hers' Fit Moms of Instagram!

Nichelle Laus

Mother of 4; Mississauga, Ontario, Canada 

Karate Kids

My kids are no strangers to the gym. My three oldest boys are really into karate, while the youngest follows along. I come from a boxing/kickboxing background, so I love watching my boys doing karate. I appreciate the structure and discipline involved in martial arts. 

Beautiful Game

I love to play soccer with my kids. There's nothing better than running in an open field in the fresh air and listening to their laughter. 

Workout Routine

I tend to focus on one muscle group per workout and incorporate plyometric exercises for added intensity. 


60 seconds each exercise, no rest in between moves. Rest 60 seconds between circuits. Repeat circuit 3-4 times.

  • T-JUMP 

Tiffany Lee Gaston

Mother of 3; Phoenix, AZ 

Leading by Example

My children are all very active-they do gymnastics, softball, soccer, and football. They see my husband and I make healthy eating and exercise a prominent part of our lives, and watching this trickle over into their own preferences is extremely rewarding. During times of inactivity or breaks from sports, they've asked me to put them through a rigorous HIIT body-weight workout. They love it! 

Never Take No for an Answer

If there's one thing to fuel my fire, it's a good challenge. There are no longer any solidly defined lines of what a woman can and cannot be. Because I believe a happy mom is a good mom, I have no guilt when working fitness into my already hectic schedule. 

Workout Routine

I typically do a four- or five-day split workout each week. I do fasted cardio three to five times per week and alternate between HIIT and steady state. I do no longer than 20 to 30 minutes per session. Monday is usually anterior leg day, and I mix up sets and reps frequently to maximize my efficiency. Plus, I often use one or two of these training methods: high-rep (sets of 20-30), dropsets (15, 12, 10, 10, 8), German Volume Training (10 sets of 10). Also, I may do lunge jumps or sumo squat jumps between sets. (See Tiffany Lee Gaston's Fast-Track Fat Loss Workout here.)



SEE ALSO: Try This Kickboxing Workout

Jennifer Boscovich

Mother of 2; Reno, NV 

Tour de Family Time

Both of my children started swimming lessons when they were each 6 months old. Currently they swim, ski, and play soccer and T-ball. But their favorite thing to do is ride bikes-it's a great way for us to spend quality time together. 

The Power of Positivity

It's all about balance and keeping a positive attitude. I truly believe that being active and eating well makes me a more happy and patient person. And that, of course, makes me a better mother, nurse, and business owner. 

Workout Routine

I mix up my workouts, focusing on functional training as well as isolation moves. 



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