Watch Terry Crews Gets Scorched During Hot Wings Interview

Abner Newton
Watch Terry Crews Gets Scorched During Hot Wings Interview

Want to learn more about your favorite celebrity? Try catching them in a car with Jerry Seinfeld, or maybe Between Two Ferns with Zach Galifianakis. But if you really want to get the 411 on someone famous, a 20-minute schmooze over a plate of hot wings is the way to go. 

In the latest edition of Hot Ones-during which famous folks dish on their doings while downing super-spicy hot wings-Brooklyn Nine-Nine star and perennial M&F cover model Terry Crews puts on a brave face while doing his best to field questions from host Sean Evans. 

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As you'll see in the video, things quickly begin to heat up as the muscular man with the famous dancing pecs elevates the heat count on his spicy hot wing sauce while delving on everything from his relationship with his father to his favorite cheat day kitchen hacks. Toward the end, the intensity of the sauce begins to take its toll on Crews' mental state as he appears to start hallucinating for a brief moment. 

“I survived the NFL, I can do this,” said Crews as he struggled to choke down the last wing with the hottest dab of sauce yet. Give the man credit for going the distance and sharing some eye-opening information about himself along the way.

Think you've got the stomach to survive a similar wings of death experience? Try our six spicy recipes to help burn more fat.


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