5 Important Must Dos for Fitness Beginners and Starters

Yurchik Ogurchik
5 Important Must Dos for Fitness Beginners and Starters

So you've finally decided to take interest in your health and well-being. Congratulations and welcome to the world of Muscle and Fitness!

No matter where you are in life, (as long as you're still breathing) it's never too late to change your body for the better. Although there are many reasons to take interest in your well-being, it's difficult to know where to start. Hey, we've all been there and we're here to guide you and push you in the right direction!

Whether your goal is to lose a few pounds, become a muscle-bound bodybuilder looking to compete for Mr. Olympia, take down the stress levels, or just be a healthy individual who isn't gasping for air all the time, we got you covered.  But here's the rub- getting started is the easy part, keeping motivated long enough to see the kind of change you want to see is quite another. 

With that in mind, here are some specific strategies that you and should be employing to continue making improvements long after the rest of the wannabes have fallen off. 

Workout Tips

13 Things Every Fitness Beginner Needs to Know

Every journey begins with a step.

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Join a Gym

You need a place to train and your local gym is the best place. You don't want to join a gym that takes an hour to get to, just because of amenities x, y and z.

That makes it easy to skip the drive on days when you are less motivated (and those days will come). The key is to join a gym that is convenient to where you live or work so you never have an excuse to miss any of your sessions.

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Undrey / Shutterstock

Get a Training Partner

You may have expected us to recommend getting a trainer. But no, a training partner can be of much more value if you select the right person.

You need to train with someone who has similar goals to yourself. And ideally, it is better to train with someone who is stronger than you as they will always push you through that that pain (and pride) barrier. If you don't already have a training partner then you may find one at the gym if you're social and judicious enough.

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Syda Productions / Shutterstock

Get Stacked

Be prepared to visit your local health store or vitamin shop and stock up on the essentials, such as whey protein and amino acids, which are the main building blocks for muscle.

If you really want to add some mass then a trusted creatine product and a jug of insulin-spiking, post-workout carbohydrates like waxy maize will make good additions to your cart.

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Get Rest

The danger for any newbie is overtraining. Once you see those gains in the mirror or in the pounds you're pressing, it's easy to get carried away. But overtraining carries some very real dangers, not the least of which is a complete halt to your progress in the gym.

So be sure to get enough rest so that your muscles recuperate - growth happens while you rest, not while you train. Try not to spend more than an hour during each session and keep workouts to about 3-4 days per week.

Anything more can actually result in diminished strength, irritability, joint tenderness, sleeplessness and other not-so-enjoyable consequences.

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Follow a Strong Diet

“Abs are made in the kitchen” Its a simple annoying phrase that everyone says, but it holds true.

Training is just the stimulus, without proper rest or nutrition you can forget about getting bigger, stronger or leaner.  To really ensure your body is benefiting from all your weight training, your diet needs to be clean and balanced.

Try to consume at least 1-1.5 grams of protein per pound of bodyweight and 2-3 grams of carbohydrates per pound of bodyweight.

Also ensure you are consuming enough water so that your body is hydrated especially during your workouts - we recommend aiming for half your bodyweight in ounces per day. Harder training individuals may actually require more.

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